John Feldmann On New blink-182 Music: “[They’ve] Definitely Been Getting In Touch With Their Roots” – ROCKSOUND.TV

John Feldmann On New blink-182 Music: “[They’ve] Definitely Been Getting In Touch With Their Roots”  ROCKSOUND.TV


Is there a busier man in rock music than John Feldmann

Probably not. 

Working with the likes of Ice Nine Kills and FEVER 333 to name a couple whilst also writing with everybody and anybody over Zoom calls during lockdown, John has certainly been keeping himself busy and finding new ways to work at a time when things are on their head. 

Alongside all of this, John has also been working on new blink-182 music, and in our recent Video Call he teased what the band has been working on sounds like…

“The band has definitely been getting in touch with their roots. The songs we have been working on have been super classic blink and I can’t be more excited. With ‘Nine’ the band wanted to experiment with a bunch of different sounds and programming and push the envelope forwards. They didn’t just want to remake ‘California’ which I totally understand as artists not wanting to just redo an album that was so successful for them.

‘Nine’ was a really experimental record and I’m really proud to have been a part of that album. I think with whatever is going to come next is definitely more roots for them.”

Well, there we go!

You can catch up with the full chat AND have a tour of Feldy’s house below:

And if you fancy picking up blink’s latest album ‘Nine’ on lovely vinyl from our mates at EMP, you can click right HERE