Local rapper releases new album, pursues music career – shorelinemedia.net

Local rapper releases new album, pursues music career  shorelinemedia.net

For Ty Bromley, music has gone from a being a joking way to entertain himself and his friends to a possible career path in the past few years.

Now, writing and recording under the pseudonym M.C. Gingervidus, the rapper and producer is making multi-faceted hip-hop music, which he hopes to expose to a wider audience.

Bromley is a 2018 graduate of Mason County Central High School, where he was known for his hustle on the basketball court.

During his time at MCC, his passion for rapping and songwriting also started to emerge.

“My friends and I would get beats on YouTube and freestyle rap, just to have fun and mess around,” Bromley told the Daily News in a phone call. “I really enjoyed it, and I started making my own lyrics — my own raps — in my head.

“When people heard them, they were impressed. They said, ‘You should do this for real.’”

At first, he didn’t consider that a feasible option.

Following graduation, he attended Muskegon Community College and continued to play basketball, but he said it simply wasn’t a good fit.

He returned to Mason County, and, with the help of a class at West Shore Community College, his love of music was rekindled, and it grew from there.

“I had a class called Introduction to Music and Technology. My teacher, Curt Isakson, taught me a lot of stuff. We learned about how to use music software and how to start out with production and the equipment you need,” Bromley said. “I fell in love with the whole thing. That’s what got me going; that class is what really got me into music.”

Now, the advice he heard as a senior in high school is starting to seem more and more like a possibility.

“I’m looking for a way to make it a career… It would be amazing to make that happen,” he said.

Bromley produces his own beats using LogicPro software, using his knowledge from WSCC to enrich the sounds behind his rhymes.

It’s a lot of work, and it pushes him in a different way than basketball ever did.

“I don’t really have anyone helping me,” he said. “I produce my own beats, I do as much audio engineering as I can. There’s a lot that goes into it. It takes time to make it sound (right).”

As M.C. Gingervidus, Bromley performed for the first time alongside his sister, Brooke Angelina Bromley, during the Pure Ludington New Year’s Eve Ball Drop last year.

He planned to do more performing following the New Year’s Eve concert, but a global pandemic got in the way.

He hasn’t let his time in quarantine go to waste, however. In fact, he said he’s been more productive than ever.

“I’ve spent a lot of time making music since COVID(-19) hit… I’ve had a lot of time to progress and make my music sound better,” he said.

During the pandemic, he released an album titled “Everything Changes,” and launched his music on all streaming platforms.

He also recorded and released his most recent album, “Broken Melodies,” on Sept. 7, and he said it’s his most ambitious yet.

“It’s a 16-song album, and the biggest project I’ve made,” he said. “It’s got a lot of variety to it. (It’s) a combination of rap, hip-hop, pop — all those genres.”

Like his music, Bromley’s stage name originated as something of a joke between friends, dating back to middle school.

“My fiends and I would mess around with beats (and) one of my friends threw out that name and it made me laugh. I said if I ever became a rapper, I’d use that name because it shows the goofy side of my personality,” he said. “It doesn’t really reflect my music anymore, but I wanted to keep it because it’s who I am.”

Now, his music is more serious, informed by real-life experiences and life’s ups and downs, but it still contains bits of humor.

“I try to make music that people can relate to. Just experiences I’ve gone through in life, that a lot of people go through, and I’ve gone through, too,” he said. “I want people to be able to relate to the music I make. I want it to be about reality.”

What’s next

Bromley has more music coming, including an EP set to be released on Oct. 1.

In the near future, he hopes to set up some concerts in the Ludington area and beyond. He plans to spend the coming months making connections, networking and continuing to record and release music.

“I would say (my goals are) being able to set up some live performances, getting right exposure outside this area and getting the right person to hear my music,” Bromley said. “For that to happen, it would be huge.

“I want to get my music and name out there more, so more people know I’m doing this, and I want to grow as an artist.”

His mother, Harmony, said she supports her son’s pursuit of his dreams, and she believes in his music, too.

“His music is positive, real and inspirational and enjoyable to listen to,” she stated in an email to the Daily News.

Bromley said the support of his family has been an inspiration, as has his faith.

“I’m so, so thankful for the family I have and for my parents… They’ve been super supportive of what I choose to do,” he said. “My faith in God also plays a big part in my life. Any time I make a song or an album or work on music… I try to implement that into my music as well — to give credit to God.”

M.C. Gingervidus can be found on all streaming music platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Soundcloud and more.