Kid Rock touts documentary, new music, ‘one last monster tour’ in post – The Detroit News

Kid Rock touts documentary, new music, ‘one last monster tour’ in post  The Detroit News

Kid Rock is promising a documentary, new music and a big tour — possibly his last. 

Ahead of his appearance Monday at a “Make America Great Again” rally at a Macomb County boat club, Rock offered an update on his life and career via Instagram.

Kid Rock performs at a rally for John James in Pontiac on Oct 17, 2018.

“I am currently filming a career documentary and will address EVERYTHING in it, on my own terms, to be released next year with new music and schedule one last monster tour (2021??) that will kick my critics in their ass and give all the love I have to the fans,” Rock wrote, following with the question, “R U Scared?”

The post accompanied a photo of Rock receiving an injection in the back of his neck. 

“I have been dealing with neck issues for years (from performing like I do for the past 30 years) and spent the morning at the Dr’s office getting 2 Steroid shots, one in my ass and the other in my neck, etc, etc,” the post read.

“Would make sense to cancel my appearance, but NO WAY! I will be there and will give it everything I have this evening.”

Rock went on to voice his support for Donald Trump in the upcoming election, saying his appearance at Monday’s event illustrates how important he feels it is that the president is re-elected.  

“I could care less about the continuous attacks from the left wing media, etc, that have been going on for over 4 years now,” he wrote. “It’s the reason I have turned down countless interviews and TV appearances as I refuse to be their click bait.”

Rock will appear alongside Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, chair of the president’s victory campaign and Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, at Monday’s event at Bumpers Landing Boat Club in Harrison Township.
