Abdulrahman Al-Sahaf, also known as Wrista, is spreading positivity through his Hip Hop music – The Open News

Abdulrahman Al-Sahaf, also known as Wrista, is spreading positivity through his Hip Hop music  The Open News

His hustling mentality has made him choose the right path, the right kind of people, and the right opportunities as a hip hop artist.

Many people in the world have certain pre-conceived notions about many industries and fields. This also depends on how they see and perceive the world, and secondly, they may build such assumptions based on the experiences they have had in life. When it comes to hip hop culture, people are aware of how, in many parts of the world, hip hop is seen as something that has to do with guns and violence, etc. However, what people fail to realize is that any kind of music, at the end of the day, is an art, which must be given its due it rightly deserves. Regions like the Gulf still do not openly welcome this musical art and has attached quite rigid notions around it, but young artists like Abdulrahman Al-Sahaf, aka Wrista, have to a greater extent tried to change this negative phenomenon through their meaningful songs and rap.

The 20-year-old young Bahraini hip hop and rapping artist is carving his own distinct path in a region that is considered to be underdeveloped for rap and hip hop culture. He is the one who is completely drenched in his love for music and working on strategies that can further strengthen his foot with his record label in the industry.

It all started for Wrista when he was just 12 years of age and heard some underground artists of the US express themselves through music. This pushed his curiosity to know the musical art and inspired him to become an artist himself to spread across messages to the society with the pure power of music. As a musician, Wrista has always believed in making investments in his career to better himself as an artist and so he keeps purchasing equipments or beats, something that can further enhance his career.

Music has always been like therapy to Wrista as he gets the opportunity to vent out all the different mix of emotions and feelings and give himself a chance to heal from the pain and help others too by healing them. His versatility as an artist speaks for himself, where he can deliver immaculate flows. After taking music seriously at the age of 15, he released his first album named ‘We Are One’ and in 2015, he gave his musical name to himself as Wrista. The next year, he launched his creative team ‘LOADB” (Last of a dying breed).

However, in 2013 he had released his first track ‘Haters make me famous’ and so far he has to his credit 8 tracks officially released. To show how authentic he has remained to his music and garnered the love of people for who he is, Wrista is also coming up with his next music video titled ‘Yeah I’m Real’.

Wrista aspires to make music his full-time career and further grow his popularity across other parts of the world as well. Recently, he has become a Fiverr Pro, which has gained him a foreign fanbase as well. Learning through the experiences of life and turning it as strength is what Wrista did with the help of music, which has inspired many other youngsters as well in the world.