Commissioner pushes for negotiations on R&B HOF events – WJBF-TV

Commissioner pushes for negotiations on R&B HOF events  WJBF-TV

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Augusta,Ga (WJBF) Commissioner Marion Williams says commissioner need to get on board with the R& B hall of Fame’s plans for 2021.

“To see how we can work this thing out this is a no no-brainer to me for the city of Augusta that we should have been doing all the time,” says Commissioner Marion Williams.

Organizers with the Rhythm and Blues Hall of Fame want to hold a four day music fest and induction ceremony next year in Augusta.

Tuesday commissioner Marion Williams wants city leaders to support the concept and begin the discussions to make it happen.

“We need to sit down and negotiate for what we can get how much is it going to cost I’m not asking for a dollar figure I’m not asking to approve any amount all I’m saying is we need to have the discussion,” said Commissioner Williams.

But last week an email sent to city leader requested Augusta contribute 150 thousand dollars for the four day festival to allow the events to be free to the public.

“Initially we were told we would not have any money responsibilities it’s kind of thrown my judgement up in the air I need to hear some more,” says Commissioner Bobby Williams.

“My answer to funding that event would be no,’ said Commissioner John Clarke.

“I am completely opposed to fork out any taxpayer money to provide a free event,” said Commissioner Brandon Garrett.

“After you negotiate then you find out how much money you’re looking at they’re asking about money because they’re trying to kill it before it gets started,” said Commissioner Marion Williams.

Commissioners will debate stating the discussion on the ceremony at their meeting Tuesday.