Winter Harbor Music Festival in-person concerts – Bangor Daily News

Winter Harbor Music Festival in-person concerts  Bangor Daily News

Winter Harbor Music Festival in-person concerts

Mask-Erade’ Concert in the park, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12. Join the participants and Faculty of the Winter Harbor Music Festival our 18th century carnivale style Masquerade. Listen to music while enjoying distanced, masked, social interaction. Bring a picnic and of course a creative costume and facecovering.

Side by Side Concert, 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14. Join the Winter Harbor Music Festival for our annual side by side concert featuring a program which will span many musical styles. The Festival program runs the first two weeks of August and aims to fuse students, amateurs and professionals in performances. This year’s program will feature returning artists such as Artistic Director Deirdre McArdle, Executive Director Deiran Manning and violinist Anatole Wieck, as well as additional members of the faculty.

WHMF Community Opera: ​La Serva Padrona by Pergolesi, Saturday, ​Aug. 15 6 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 16 2 p.m. The Winter Harbor Music Festival presents Pergolesi’s comic opera, La Serva Padrona, featuring Celeste Mittlehauser, Deirdre McArdle and Deiran Manning. Masks and distancing required for audience members. Picnics highly encouraged. Performed rain or shine. Michael Haigler will conduct the Winter Harbor Music Festival Orchestra, a group composed of local musicians, festival participants and faculty. Haigler currently serves as music director at Christ Church in Oyster Bay, Long Island, home to the Christ Church Festival Orchestra with which he has conducted requiems by Mozart, Fauré, Brahms, and Rutter, and symphonies such as Mendelssohn’s Italian, Beethoven’s Ninth and Mahler’s Resurrection (complete). Haigler also holds positions as artistic director of the Hudson Valley Chorale, assistant conductor and chorus master at the Bronx Opera, and co-director of Pianos on the Point, a new summer workshop in Vermont.

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